April Showers 4/12/2024
Tagged: #life #webdevHey gay! First off I want to prove that I'm not just sitting on my ass and am actually working on this site. Sooooo here's stuff :~)
Dream Corp LLC

OMGEEZY a new shrine in progress! Dream Corp LLC is one of my favorite shows ever, and I've been meaning to do a kind of playful early web interface based on the aesthetics of the series. It's about a sleep lab that enters your dreams to solve your issues, like your soft dick or daddy issues or rashes. Apparently the showrunners beat me to the idea but whatevs. I looked at a few web archives and found a lot of these halftone pixel gradients and I was able to replicate it with Aseprite :)

Not even gonna hold you bro this one's on the backburner. Its a pain in the ass to scrape through all my work notes and upload my mazes and clean them up. BUT I really want to get it done. I draw mazes a lot in my free time and i thought it'd be a cute idea to have people solve them!!!! Because most of them are solvable. IDK. (BTW -- the background in that image is one of my mazes and is ENDLESS!!! Theres NO solve as it's a seamless tile)

This is going to be a character and story repository for my Warrior Cats fan project!!!! I have been slowly building up a lore with my warrior cat OCs and want to have a nice place to put everything. Oh my god I'm excited. I've created somewhat unique clan structures and I really want to share them with everyone!
Ok and that's really it for the website stuff right now. As for real life I've been having a blast.I'm exploring my city more which has been rewarding. I miss my sister so it's really fun when she's over. I'm reading more and NOT JUST WARRIOR CATS OKAY. I HAVE HIGHER STANDARDS THAN SCHOLASTIC BOOKFAIR FODDER. (That is lies and I will always love warrior cats despite it's shittiness). I actually might write a blog about warriors and how awesome Jayfeather is. Okay! Here's a song.